More Tips for Saving Money on Prescriptions


Did you catch our post the other day on saving money on prescription medication? I am a married and rapidly aging mom of 3, two of which use prescription medication.  I know how expensive medications can be. I am all about finding ways to save money in every other aspect of life, I’m all about finding the best ways that I can to save money on prescription medication.

After looking around the other day I discovered and remembered even more ways to save, so I thought I would chat about it today!

More Tips for Saving Money on Prescriptions


  • Shop at a big box store.  I know you probably love supporting independently owned pharmacies and small business, and I commend that.  That being said, when you need to save money, you need to save money. One great way to do this is by shopping big box stores, like Walmart for your pharmacy needs.  Walmart, for example, offers many different prescriptions for just $4!   
  • Go for the 90 day supply.  You are going to pay more out of pocket initially, but you typically are going to spend less overall when you buy a 90 day supply rather than a one month supply.
  • Look for prescription assistance program. Go online, check your insurance company, check your pharmacy and check your doctor’s office to see if you can find any information about prescription assistance programs that are available to you.
  • Update your insurance plan. Look into your insurance plan and see if you can upgrade your prescription program.  This is true even if you have medicare. Check out what optoins are all available to you to save where you can. 

Do you deal with heavy prescription costs in your family?  What ways have you found to save money for your family? Do you have any other ideas for us?  I would love to hear them! I’m always looking for new ways to save.

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