Walgreens 1/30- 2-5

Heres a few transaction scenarios for you, you can also check out the Walgreens Thread for more great ideas.

I try and arrange these Transactions so as to spend as little cash out of pocket as possible. That explains why there are sometimes several single order transactions and sometime I list just a couple of multiple order transactions.

Transaction #1
Buy: 1x Arnicare Pain Relief Gel 2.6 oz  $5.99
Also buy 1x Blink Eye Drops .33 or .5 oz  $7.99
Use Manufacturer Coupons: Arnicare Gel or Cream $2/1 This Link  AND Blink Tears or blink GelTears Lubricating Eye Drops, any $1/1 (02-28-11) SS-1/2
Pay: $10.98+ tax
Get: $5.99 Register Reward (Arnice) and $7.99 Register Reward (Blink)

Transaction #2
Buy: 1x IcyHot No-Mess Vapor Gel 2 oz $3.99
AND 1x Natrol Melatonin 100 ct $3.00
Use Manufacturer Coupons: Icy Hot, Aspercreme, Capzasin, Sportscreme, or Flexall product, any $1/1 (03-31-11) NestleSS-1/2 or Icy Hot No Mess Vapor Gel, any $1/1 (4-30-11) SS-1/30
Also Use Register Reward: $5.99 Register Reward (Arnice)
Pay: $1.00 + Tax
Get: $3.00 Register Reward (IcyHot) AND $3.00 Register Reward (Natrol)

Transaction #3
Buy: 4x Vicks DayQuil Liquid 10 oz or LiquiCaps 20 ct and/or Vicks NyQuil Liquid 10 oz or LiquiCaps 20 ct
Use Manufacturer Coupons: Vicks DayQuil product $1.50/1 (02-28-11) PG-1/16 AND (2-28-11) PG-1/30 and/or Vicks NyQuil product $1.50/1 (02-28-11) PG-1/16 AND (2-28-11) PG-1/30
Also Use Register Reward: $3.00 Register Reward (IcyHot) AND $3.00 Register Reward (Natrol) AND $7.99 Register Reward (Blink)
Pay: $0.01 + Tax
Get: $10 Register Reward (Vicks)

Transaction #4
Buy: 2x Advil Congestion Relief 10 ct $4.99
AND 4x Dove Antiperspirant or Body Mist 2.6 to 3 oz  $3.75
Use Manufacturer Coupons: 2x Advil Congestion Relief product, any $2/1 (3-31-11) AND 4x Dove deodorant or body mist, any excluding trial and travel size $2/1 (2-27-11) UnileverRP-1/30
Also Use Register Reward: $10 Register Reward (Vicks)
Pay: $2.98 + Tax
Get: $5 Register Reward (Dove) AND $5 Register Reward Advil

So thats a grand total of $14.97 + taxes Total Out of Pocket! And if you do this multiple times you can use the 2 $5 Register Rewards from Transaction #4 to pay for your next Transaction #1. Making rounds 2+ only $4.97 Out of Pocket! Isn’t that great!

Cant figure out what Register Rewards are, or have a question about how they work? Check out the Walgreens FAQ Thread.

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks for the transaction scenarios. I did it this morning, and it was great. Just a note… you have to have one filler on transaction 2, 3 fillers on transaction 3, and one filler on trasaction 4 in order to use all of the coupons & register rewards coupons listed.

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