Weight Watchers is better than ever before and free to join for a limited time!


If you made a New Year’s resolution to eat right and lose weight in 2011 (who didn’t?!?!), then I would encourage you to check out the new Weight Watchers program.

The program was redesigned late last year to make it an even healthier and smarter way to lose weight. More importantly, the new program makes it so easy to re-learn good eating habits.

The old Weight Watchers program was already a great program that had earned the nod of approval from most medical professionals.

But it’s better than ever now! There’s a whole new focus on making healthy choices. No longer will a snack pack of cookies be equal to a banana in your daily calorie intake (PointPlus) allowance. In fact, fruits and most veggies are FREE!!! You have an easy choice to make now when dinner seems too far away. Grab an apple! Or some grapes. Eat till your satisfied and feel confident about making a healthy choice.

What if you really WANT the cookies?!?! That’s okay too. In moderation. Weight Watchers lets you live a REAL life, and eat REAL food. No pills or shots or obsessive gym routines. Just good, common sense nutrition and rewards for a healthy activity level.

I know it works! I joined online in February of 2009 and lost 50 pounds by November. Slow and steady wins the race and rewards you with good health! People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

Worried about going in to meetings? No need. Just do the whole program online. All the information and tools you need are right there at your fingertips.

~Know exactly how many PointsPlus are in each thing you eat.

~Input your family’s favorite recipes into the recipe builder to calculate the points value.

~Track your weight, measurements and activity.

Whether you decide to go to meetings or work the program online, you can sign up for FREE until 3/12/11 by using this link.


Sign up/registration fees will be waived.

What do you have to lose?


(PinchingYourPennies is an Advertising Partner of Weight Watchers)


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