What Toxic Thoughts You Need to Avoid

Toxic Thoughts


What Toxic Thoughts You Need to Avoid

Our mind can sabotage and complicate our existence. We don’t perceive most of our toxic thoughts and when we do, we underestimate their power over us. What can be considered a toxic thought? What can we do to avoid such thoughts?

We can’t refrain from thinking certain things but we can change some opinions we have over certain matters and try to see things differently. A different approach can have a different outcome and we can be more successful, calmer and happier. We just need plenty of determination to change things for the better.



There are several thoughts that can turn us into victims. This is how we sabotage our dreams, our happiness and our social interactions and plans. Self-pity turns us into victims and the moment we see ourselves as victims we are already giving up the fight. We are and feel defeated. We need to have the mentality of a fighter. A fighter never gives up. It’s natural to fail. A fighter keeps on going till he or she wins the battle. You can learn from your mistakes and become stronger and more determined to succeed.


The Dark Side of Things

It’s okay to be realistic but it’s never recommended to see only the dark side of things. You can get caught in a web of gloomy moods, sad states of mind and toxic thoughts. You will perceive life as being mean and full of terrible things. Your existence matters, you have a purpose (be it personal or more meaningful than that) and you should try your best to find something beautiful and good in your life. You will. You are healthy, you have a job, a roof over your head, you are surrounded by friends and family, you do what you like, etc. Toxic thoughts will only bring you down. What’s the use in feeling sorry for yourself? Or in seeing the bad things only? What’s the use in thinking you are a victim? Change the mentality; it’s hard, but a more stubborn I-will-succeed kind of approach will definitely turn you into a happier, more successful person.


Not Being Responsible for Your Own Actions

It’s easier to judge and blame others for your failures. Nobody likes to admit when they’re wrong or when they lose something. But you have to face the truth. Being honest will set you free and you can start being focused on your goals and think of other plans that can help get you what you want. You are an adult and you have to be responsible for your own actions.


Living for the Moment

Being spontaneous and adventurous is nice. But being like that all the time has a negative impact over our thoughts. Risk takers don’t take long term plans into consideration. They want instant gratification and often let toxic thoughts linger (such as life is too short and awful, you have to make the best of it etc.) Living for the moment will keep you from seeing the bigger picture. The bigger picture isn’t that easy to achieve; that’s why you need to put some effort into your dreams to make them come true. Easy-to-achieve goals are at everyone’s reach; why not reach for the stars?








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