Why You Shouldn’t Stress the Mess

Are you in a constant state of stress about how messy your home is?  Are you always worried about who might stop by and what they are going to think about the disarray in your home?  If you said yes to either of these, I have something to say to you. Stop stressing the mess!

Okay, let’s just clear a little something up here.  If you are a hoarder, or if your home is dirty, dirty, then yes, please stress the mess a little bit.  That’s just unsafe and unhealthy for you and your family. However, if your problem is more like dishes in the sink or a load of laundry you have yet to fold, or just a pile of toys that your kids drug out, just relax.

I recently read an article that talked about how even Marie Kondo doesn’t always stress the mess.  It’s all about perspective and my perspective is that you need to be able to be calm and collected instead of always stressed out.

Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t stress the mess:

  • We all need a break sometimes. Whether you work outside of the home, or you stay home working with the kids all day, you are likely in need of a break!  Sometimes your sanity is worth more than having a clean kitchen at the end of the night.
  • Your kids want to spend time with you!  Seriously, what kid looks back fondly on all of those times when mom and dad were cleaning?  Yeah, they don’t. They look back fondly on the times that mom and dad played with them and built memories.
  • Your guests will feel more comfortable.  Okay, again, if your house is a terrible mess, this isn’t going to be the case, but I promise that outside of your mother in law, no one is going to be offended by a load of unfolded laundry.
  • You can do it later.  If your kids are asking for some time to play with you, but you feel it’s more important to do the dishes, think about it for a minute.  The dishes can easily be done in an hour, instead of right now. Don’t waste the time you have.


This is kind of a hot button topic for some people.  How do you feel about it?

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