Are Winter Tires Worth The Investment?

We’re headed into the cold wet months and here in Utah that means lots and lots of snow and cold temperatures. For years we thought having all purpose tires were just fine and would be good enough, and they did. But can i tell you after having winter tires put on my car I can feel a big difference in how my car handles the snow! There were times my car would start to fish tale when driving on the freeway during a storm and that can be scary as well as unsafe. So I wanted to equip you with some information and statics on why winter tires are worth your investment!

So what is the difference between winter tires and all season tires? They’re each made differently and for different things. Your all season tires are made to not flex with the changing temperature. They’ll harden up more so in the cold weather causing the snow to stick in the tread. Winter tires are great for when the temperature drops below 45 degrees. These tires usually have a deeper tread pattern on them and are wider for better traction and to keep the snow moving through the tire, not sticking to them.  Studies have shown that when you have a  good winter tire on your vehicle, you’re able to stop quicker and accelerate better. This can become essential to your safety on slick roads.

When it comes to taking care of your tires it’s best to have two sets of tires. You’ll want your winter tires put on your vehicle when the temperature drops below the 45 degree mark. Then get yourself a set of either all season or summer tires for the rest of the year. And don’t forget to rotate your tires so they get even wear and tear. We didn’t have the funds to have both when we were newly married so we got our winter tires put on and left them on through the summer. BUT, they lasted us 3 years (45,000+ miles) and I was good with that. Do what is best for you and your family but keep all the facts in mind when making your decision.

Keep in mind your car is only as good as the tires you have on it! Even though you might have a all wheel drive or 4 wheel drive capability doesn’t mean it will do well in the snow. This helps get your car moving when your wheels are spinning or stuck but your tires are what’s going to prevent you from slipping during the cold and wet weather.

Stay safe out there, drive alert and be prepared for what’s to come.

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