Winters Comfort – Easy Bread Recipe

As I sit in the kitchen and the snow softly drifts from the sky, I notice that everything I can see is covered in a pillowy snow white blanket. The brightness of the white snow is both beautiful and maddening to me. It makes me wonder just how much longer I can survive the winter. This is the time of year I find myself craving the sunshine and wishing I could walk outside barefoot to get the mail. I’m longing to feel the warmth of the summer. But that being said in all reality summer is still several weeks away. So in the mean time I try to past the time with the everything else that makes me feel cozy, warm and helps me to endure the last of the chilling winter weather.

Baking is one of those activities I love. As a child I loved when my mother baked bread and I could hardly wait for it to come out of the oven. My brothers and I would sit and wait at the counter as the golden warm bread was sliced and offered to us with a smear of butter. I’m convinced that these childhood memories are part of the reason I love to bake. Most likely the reason I equate baking with love. Which isn’t always the best if your trying to watch your waistline.

As the aroma of baking bread fills my kitchen and drifts through my home, it entices my family to gather together and share in the love I pull from my oven. As I slice the bread and pass it around I share a little bit of love with my own children. This is my own way of coping with my winter blues. It comforts me and helps me endure the last of winter.

Bread Recipe

2 TBSP yeast
1 TBSP salt
1/3 c. sugar
1/3 c. oil
3 c. warm water

Mix the above together and add 3 cups flour. Add 3 more cups flour until dough can be handled for kneading.

Knead dough for a couple of minutes and place in an oiled bowl. Cover with a towel and let rise until doubled. (about 1 hour) Punch down and divide into 3 loaves. Place in 3 greased loaf pans and let rise until the dough reaches the top of the pan.

Bake @ 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.

This recipe turns out well with white or wheat flour.

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