If you were to ask me what some of my favorite things in the whole world were, you’d get the same answer over and over each time you asked. These favorite things are new boots, shiny jewelry or a new laptop. Some of my very favorite things are my kids! I bet all of you moms and dads out there reading this are shaking your head in agreement. Our kids are awesome and we love them. Sometimes, I feel like I forget to tell them that often enough. This is why I have made a habit of writing my kids notes to tell them.
I don’t care if your kids are boys or girls, young or old; I would say almost all of them like hearing how much you care about them. Sometimes our kids are stinkers and it is hard to say it but we still love them. Sometimes the kids act like they don’t want to hear you say it, but they still need to hear it. This is why notes are perfect. I think it is a great way to express my feelings to my kids. I love writing my kids notes as reminders of how much they are loved. I also remind them of the reasons I think they are great or how I am proud of recent accomplishemnts.
I know if you look around the internet there are gobs of ideas on ways to write your kids the perfect notes. You can find ideas about making your own paper or spending hours building the “just right” note cards. Honestly, those ideas frustrate me. Making something too hard is a sure way to discourage yourself from doing it. I try to keep writing my kids notes easy and keep it fun. Here are a few ways I like writing my kids notes:
On the mirror
This idea for writing my kids notes is so fast and so easy. I use a washable magic marker and just scribble quick notes on the mirror. I may draw a couple of hearts or a funny face but usually it is a simple, “I love you!” and that works well.
In the lunchbox
When my kids take a lunch to school it is fun to stick a quick note in their lunchbox. These are more quick notes, usually just written on the napkin or a small piece of paper. This way of writing my kids notes works better with the little kids who still take lunch.
In the pocket
Kids have lots of pockets and I love writing my kids notes and slipping them in their pockets. Sometimes it is in a jacket pocket or sometimes it is in a pants pocket. Again, it is not a fancy note, just a simple expression of feelings.
In the backpack
This way of writing my kids notes works great with my older kids. Their backpacks are always around and it is very easy to slip notes into them. I just do simple notes and slip them in places I know they will be found.
Do you leave random notes for your kids? Have any fun ideas to share? Let us know – we love to hear from you!